Two SE Group Articles Featured in May Edition of SAM Magazine

The May issue of Ski Area Management magazine is out and we are pleased to report that it features not one but two articles from SE Group authors.
Director of Resort Planning Claire Humber's piece is titled “Investing in Retention of Interest.” Leaning on her deep expertise in strategic planning, Claire encourages ski area owners and operators to look beyond the traditional ROI (return on investment) to consider another ROI when planning capital expenditures: retention of interest. These are often strategies that transcend the timeframe of traditional modeling – and are critical to sustainable growth in this increasingly complex and competitive market.
Senior Project Manager’s Ash Smith's article “Getting to the Root of Forest Management” is a deep dive into best practices for maintaining the health of ski area forests. Ash uses three SEG projects/partners (Sun Valley, Monarch Mountain, and Winter Park) to make the case that forest health is at the heart of sound and sustainable ski area management – and how resorts can identify needs, build collaborative partnerships, find funding, and overcome obstacles to achieve these goals.