Mad River Valley Economic Development Study

The Mad River Valley Planning District (MRVPD) is a unique three-town planning entity created by the towns of Fayston, Waitsfield, and Warren, in conjunction with Sugarbush Resort, to carry out a program of planning for the Valley’s physical, social, economic, fiscal, environmental, cultural, and aesthetic well-being.
Project Planning

The economic development study focused on understanding and quantifying the Valley’s economic profile and health by assessing relevant data, identifying industry sectors of strategic importance, establishing an economic baseline, and exploring initiatives that support the economic future of MRV.

The study was commissioned by MRVPD and completed by a consultant team consisting of SE Group, Birchline Planning LLC, and Doug Kennedy Advisors.
An Economic Summit and Community Picnic was held in the Town of Waitsfield as an open opportunity for members of the community to provide input for the future of MRV. Findings from recent economic studies were also presented at the event.