Mad River Valley Moves Active Transportation Plan

The MRV Moves Active Transportation Plan articulates a unified, multi-town, watershed-wide vision for recreational trails and non-motorized transportation facilities in Vermont’s Mad River Valley. The plan explores how trails and active transportation integrate with economic development, enhance both visitor experiences and residents’ quality of life, and improve transportation choices.
Project Planning
The Valley is blessed with a myriad of non-profit and government agencies working together on trails and active transportation. A critical component of this Plan was to create an advisory board consisting of all these partners to establish a cohesive and collaborative vision for the future, while building upon decades of their individual projects. A robust public engagement process was a cornerstone of the Plan, utilizing a variety of events (walking and biking tours) and techniques (surveys and project websites) for the community to get involved and explore ideas.
The Plan provides guidance for trail design and management standards, implementation, funding, permitting and approvals to carry the project into reality. It also includes an important discussion of the unique definition of active transportation in the MRV—blending both recreation and transportation; identifies the economic and social benefits of walking and biking; includes an IMPLAN economic analysis; and gives consideration of a progressive learning network to serve users of all ages and abilities.