Mena Trails Master Plan and NEPA Analysis

SE Group is currently conducting a master planning and environmental review process for a multi-jurisdictional mountain biking destination near Mena, Arkansas. The project area overlaps lands managed by Queen Wilhelmina State Park, the Ouachita National Forest, and the City of Mena. The project envisions a 100-mile trail network that serves as an economic driver for the region. The trails would offer an incredibly unique riding experience, drawing many visitors looking for world-class riding with a more natural feel.

Project Stats
100miles of trails
In Summer 2022, SE Group completed the master planning portion of the project. This plan includes a high-level concept and recommendations for a trail network that is guided by a vision created by agency collaboration and stakeholder outreach. Further, the plan includes a preliminary review of natural resource conditions and sets the stage for future environmental review.
Our team is now leading the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. NEPA review is necessary as most of the planned trail system is on National Forest Lands. Due to the landscape scale of the project, this will be an innovative and streamlined NEPA process that relies heavily on post decision survey/clearance protocol. As an outcome of the NEPA analysis, it is expected that a final Memorandum of Agreement would be formed outlining the user agreement, permitting mechanisms, and other operational and maintenance responsibilities for the planned trail network.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) will be released on July 1, 2024.

To ensure the City of Mena can realize the full potential of the future trail system and is prepared for potential increases in visitation, the City hired SE Group’s Community Planning team to prepare a Vision Plan for downtown revitalization in Mena.