Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail

Building off our work in Enosburg Falls, SE Group worked with the Missisquoi Valley Rail Trail Council and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to help increase the tourism activity and economic impact of the trail through enhanced marketing, wayfinding, branding, and a new trail friendly business program.
Project Materials
At the onset of the project SE Group hosted a trail ride and a series of community events to provide information about the project and gather input from residents and business owners. With our partner, Path Less Pedaled, the project team produced a video to explain the project and highlight this treasured recreational resource.

The project culminated in the creation of a Trail Branding and Identity Guide complete with a new logo and a new look for the trail, a Wayfinding Plan and the design of over 200 individual sign panels, a Marketing Plan and the design of a full suite of printed and digital marketing materials, and a Trail Friendly Business Program that is integrated into the wayfinding for the trail and that provides technical assistance for local business owners.
These tools ensure the MVRT presents a cohesive and thoughtful identity in the trail design, in its physical signage, online presence, and relationship and partnerships with local communities and businesses.

The project grant also included funding to produce 10,000 trail map brochures designed by SE Group, a new website for the trail, and numerous other marketing materials. At the completion of the project, the trail was awarded the 2020 VT Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC).