Montpelier Union School Playground

The Montpelier Union Elementary School Playground Project is an award-winning playground design project. The school community envisioned a nature-based design solution to better integrate PLAY + LEARNING while also needing to address accessibility, erosion, stormwater, and contaminated soils. The design team took the opportunities and challenges of the site to re-imagine a school playground that integrates play, learning, and adventure – with environmental betterment of stormwater and soils.

Guided by the community’s vision, the newly constructed playground uses natural materials as a primary aspect of the site design. Locally sourced black locust logs are used extensively for curbing, stair treads, and climbing elements. Native trees, shrubs, and perennials help define play areas, provide shade, treat stormwater, and provide LEARNING opportunities for students. Quarried limestone blocks are used as sitting walls throughout the site and amphitheater.

The project received a 2020 Merit Award from the Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.