New Hampshire Outdoor Economy Inventory

In 2019, New Hampshire became the 16th state to establish an outdoor recreation office. The new Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry Development (ORID) —which is housed within the state’s Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA) — was established to support New Hampshire’s diverse outdoor economy and connect New Hampshire’s world class outdoor assets to broad economic development strategies.
To set a foundation and establish a baseline for ORID’s work, New Hampshire needed to define and quantify the outdoor recreation industry in the State and has contracted with SE Group to conduct the Outdoor Industry Inventory Project throughout 2022. This project is more than just research and a planning document -- it is a dynamic process that will bring together stakeholders, regions, business, and recreation enthusiasts for a better future of outdoor recreation in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire outdoor industry will be evaluated and inventoried through a robust analysis of existing state, federal, and private data sources and a comprehensive data collection process that will capture as many outdoor recreation activities, venues, businesses, and organizations as possible. The project is being delivered in four primary phases:
- Defining the outdoor recreation industry in NH
- Inventorying NH outdoor recreation assets, businesses, and organizations
- Development of engaging data summaries and infographics
- Creation of a detailed technical report, database, and single “State Data Set” for the outdoor industry