Pedestrian Village Revitalization Study

Since 2013, SE Group has been working with the Town of Waterville Valley on the “Waterville Valley Pedestrian Village Revitalization Study.” This master planning process has incorporated a wide variety of issues: wayfinding, market and branding, streetscape, connectivity, transit, and parking—all as part of a comprehensive look in a diverse tourist-oriented environment. While a small-town, the community was looking at its old master plan with fresh eyes and wanted to incorporate more depth of analysis to truly understand what might happen, particularly with the town core where development opportunities abound.
Project Planning
Working in collaboration with VHB, SE Group conducted a detailed assessment of the underlying issues and developed broad themes for new/revised opportunities. We worked in a highly engaged public environment—“going to the people” where and when we could. We explored a variety urban design ideas and dovetailed them with policy recommendations.
The end result has been a comprehensive road map for continued progress. In fact, one of the key recommendations of the study was the formation of new working group to move plan elements forward, which has since convened and is now moving ahead with new design planning for wayfinding improvements.